
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

As Summer comes to a close...

...I find myself daydreaming about Fall.  I happen to love Fall. No. Not love. LURVE. Not only is my one year wedding anniversary right around the corner, it's also when the leaves turn, pumpkins are ripe for the picking,  adult spiced apple cider is being consumed and then of course there's HALLOWEEN; all things that make my heart do cart wheels and my head spin (most likely from drinking too much of said spiced cider).  Whenever the seasons begin to change, I always start thinking of things I have yet to accomplish and things I hope to learn.  To keep my goals in the realm of reality, I have compiled a very short list of things I 'd like to start and/or finish in the coming months.
1. Finish my chair project.  I am really excited to finally blog about the finished project, and of course have a fabulous new chair for my desk, but getting there has been slow going.  I think I just really loathe sanding.  Which is something I've learned about myself, so that's good!  This is top priority on my list before I start school at the end of September, when I will barely find the time to breath let alone sand a chair.
2.  Bake a fancy cake.  September finds me celebrating numerous birthdays of people that are near and dear to my heart.  I don't know why, but I've always wanted to be a baker of fancy, multiple-tiered cakes.  I love the Sur La Table catalog that we continually get via the post and I desperately need these to help in my plight! I want to fondant and ice the Hell out of it too! Okay, I actually hate fondant, but it looks pretty, right?
3. Use my sewing machine. I have all these sewing projects bouncing around in my cranium at all times, but my beginner sewing skills pose quite the challenge to them actually bouncing out into reality.  I figure I'll start with something easy.  Like an I can fondant and ice my fancy cake to my heart's content.  Maybe something like this!

I know there's more.  There always is, isn't there?  But I feel pretty certain that I can accomplish these three simple little tasks before the temp begins to drop too low.  I think.  


  1. Oh, adult spiced cider... How I adore you :)

  2. You adore the cider or me? :) Oh, I adore you too!!! xoxo
